Monday, September 23, 2013

A Big Win

The Packers earned a well deserved victory over an always competitive Woodbury squad on Saturday morning.  Kayla played the entire game in the net for the Pack and as always was not afraid to get dirty.  That girl dives and slides and does whatever it takes to keep the ball out of our net.

The ending of Saturday's game was a nail biter as Woodbury tied it up with about 5 minutes to go.  A tie wasn't good enough for our girls though and we marched right down the field and Gab's kicked home her 2nd goal of the game with the clock tick, tick, ticking away.

Yeah for Emma, also, who scored her first goal of the Fall season during the first half of the game.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

2nd Game Of The Season

The Packers took on the Minnesota Thunder this chilly, windy, and muddy afternoon in Woodbury.  Kayla made some terrific saves in the first half of the game which allowed us to go to halftime with a scoreless tie.  She made the game thrilling in the second half when she took the field and scored to give the Packers a 1 to nothing lead.  Unfortunately the lead didn't hold up for too long and we lost the game 4 to 1 but our girls should be proud of the way they played against a very tough team.   

Just because I doubt many balls ever make it in to the Minnesota Thunder's the one that the Packers put in there today.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

First Game Of The Fall Season

The Packers suited up yesterday and played the first of their short 6 game Fall soccer season.  The Packers and White Bear Lake played to a 2-2 tie.

It's amazing from season to season the difference in the skill level of the girls.  Our girls, as well as the opposing teams, are obviously getting bigger, and faster, and are better little soccer players every time they take the field.  They are really fun to watch.

Check back after each Packer game for a short recap and photos from the game.