Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Second Game Second Shutout!

Our SSP Packers have sure been treating us fans to some mighty fine play to begin the 2014 season and for the second game in a row recorded a shutout.  Tonight it was Cottage Grove who the girls took down by the score of 4-0.
Scoring for the Packers on this chilly May evening (will it ever warm up???) was Gabs (2), Emma C, and Maddie.  Solid goaltending was provided by Abby and Kayla.



1 comment:

  1. Once again the girls kept me pretty quiet on the sidelines. They all played a very smart game with only a few slip-ups which our goal keeping covered very nicely. Congrats girls on a job well done, but remember we still have alot of things to work on before we meet the blackhawks on Monday evening.
