Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Whole Lotta Scoring Going On

When Cottage Grove scored just mere seconds after the start of last nights game it appeared that the Packers may have been headed for their first loss of the season...but our girls had a very different outcome in mind.  We pulled it together and started playing our game and shortly thereafter took the game over.  Mia, Madison, and Careline each scored their first goals of the year.  I love to capture the girls reactions after they score.  Madison and Careline can hardly contain their excitement...and Mia, although she has a smile on her face, looks likes she's ready to get back to business and do it again!

With the help of good goaltending (as always) by Kayla in the first half of the game and with Gabrielle's hockey skills put to use in nets in the second half, the Packers never gave up the lead once we had it.  The final was 5 to 3 Packers with Mia and Madison each getting one goal and Careline scoring 3.  The team is now 3 and 0 for the Summer.

It's fun to watch the girls play with more confidence in each and every game.  They seem to be playing their positions better and under the direction of Coach Randy I only anticipate they'll continue to improve as the season progresses.

The Packers have some of the finest fans around.  For 2 out of 3 games now we've been cold and we've been rained on...but there's no place we'd rather be than watching our girls play soccer.

Bob held up this salute to Careline after she completed a hat trick.  It put a smile on her face.

And our most boisterous fan, Andy.  His energy and enthusiasm is appreciated by players and fans alike.

1 comment:

  1. Its great to see the girls play well isn't it. Come back games always develop character. Even though we were only one goal down, early it still speaks highly of our girls. Nobody got upset or started placing blame. They all new what had to be done and each one did what they had to do. I'm very pleased with the girls progress,and thanks goes to Jay, Asia, April,and all of you as parents, as we continue to watch our girls grow and learn. Not only with their soccer but in life. We have a very tough schedule this year and it appears our girls are up to the challenge. Thanks parents for all your cooperation, and allowing me to yell at your kids. I'm having fun, hope you, and your daughters are to.
