Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Big Win

The Packers took on White Bear Lake tonight on our home field and we meant business.  Scoring in the first half were Gabrielle, Ashley, and Careline.  After minding the nets as usual for the first half of the game Kayla took the field and promptly put one past the White Bear goalie.  Gabs also kicked in her second goal of the night (which she was obviously quite excited about).

Abby did a mighty fine job in goal for the Packers the second half of tonights game.  Nothing got past her or Kayla earning SSP a 5 to nothing shutout victory.

Hard to believe but the Packers have just one game remaining for the 2013 Summer season.  See ya Tuesday night.

A Game Under The Lights

On Tuesday night the girls played their only night game of the season versus an outstanding Minnesota Thunder Academy elite team.  The Packers had a few good scoring opportunities but unfortunately scored no goals and ended up losing by the score of 4 to 0.  The Thunder Coach commended the play of our girls after the game and noted that the Packers are one of the toughest teams they have come up against this Summer.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013



How fantastic was it to be in attendance at last nights game when Abby scored her first goal of the season.  The look on that little girls face was absolutely priceless.  And it will never grow old watching the girls share in each others joy of success.

Also scoring last night (her umpteenth goal of the season!) was Ashley.

The girls played their positions well last night, made some great moves, and delivered some terrific scoring opportunity passes.  It's wonderful to see them playing well together and enjoying themselves because I think everyone can agree that it's all for the fun of our Daughters.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bloomington Mega Cup

The girls played in the Bloomington Mega Cup Soccer Tournament this past weekend.  Although they lost the first 2 out of the 3 games they played they all had a good time and pulled it together to win their final game of the weekend by the score of 5 to 2 over Wayzata.  Ashley played a tremendous weekend of soccer scoring 4 goals for the tournament, SSP's only goal in the first game of the weekend as well as a hat trick in the third game.  Also scoring in that final game were Gab's and Careline.  Scoring, of course, would not be possible if not for the effort of the entire team playing well together.

My favorite part of the weekend was when the girls got the chance to dunk their Coaches in the dunk tank after the final game.  Here they are patiently awaiting their chance.

Still dry....but not for long!

All lined up and ready to dunk Coach Randy!

First in line....Madison (and she seems rather excited about it!)

And down he goes for the first (of many) times!

Even Lucas took the opportunity to dunk Coach Randy

What?  Is Randy YELLING in this photo???

Love the look on Brooke's face...

Coach Matuzak was also a good sport and took a turn in the tank to let Coach Randy dry off but for some reason it was far more satisfying to watch Coach Randy get repeatedly dunked !  (tee hee)

Yes it was a fun weekend, indeed!