Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Big Win

The Packers took on White Bear Lake tonight on our home field and we meant business.  Scoring in the first half were Gabrielle, Ashley, and Careline.  After minding the nets as usual for the first half of the game Kayla took the field and promptly put one past the White Bear goalie.  Gabs also kicked in her second goal of the night (which she was obviously quite excited about).

Abby did a mighty fine job in goal for the Packers the second half of tonights game.  Nothing got past her or Kayla earning SSP a 5 to nothing shutout victory.

Hard to believe but the Packers have just one game remaining for the 2013 Summer season.  See ya Tuesday night.


  1. Check out the height on gabs jump! Great team playing and passing by all ¡!!!

  2. Love Gabs reaction! Abbers looks so determined, like she's saying "Nothing past me". Love the photos you get April, they all tell a story and are such a wonderful keepsake! Nervous mama while she was in the net, so brave of her & she did great! Proud of her this season, through the changes & some individual hurdles she is overcoming! Love all these girls (& parents) so much! It is such a pleasure to cheer for them no matter what the outcome is! Watching these girls grow this year has been a pure joy and I'm sad to see the season coming to an end! This has been a wonderful season! Great job Coach Randy, Asia & Jay! Appreciate your time, dedication and everything you do for my Abby & the entire team! You have built up Abby's confidence and shown her so many great skills. Grateful : ) Great job last night girls! Can't wait to see all of these girls throughout the years to come, oh the places they'll go......

    1. From Crystal AKA Abby's mama : ) Didn't know it shows anonymous
