Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Last Game Of The Summer Season

It was clear from the very start of Tuesday nights game that the Packers were on a mission.  Task number one was to end this season on a positive note with another tally for the win column and task number two (far more important to the girls than getting the win) was to play hard and aggressive as a team and give Ella every possible opportunity to score her first goal of the season.  With a combination of hard work, impressive passing, awesome goal tending by Kayla and Abby, great Coaching, and strong communication on the field between players, the Packers accomplished everything they set out to do.  Ella scored her first goal of the season and Careline, Ashley, Addy, and Gabrielle each scored in this impressive 5 to 1 victory over Inver Grove Heights.

The girls ended the Summer season with a regular season record of 7 wins, 2 losses, and 1 tie.

It's a bird...It's a plane...It's SuperMan (SuperFan) Andy posing with the team after the victory.

1 comment:

  1. It was a very good season. From our first practice to the last goal of the season (Ella) . To watch the confidence level of the girls increase game to game, To watch them control the ball up the field, look to pass, and play position, to take the victories with joy, yet in a humble manor, and to take the losses knowing we still have alot to learn.
    I am very proud of our girls, and already looking forward to our next practice with a new season ahead of us.
    We will be losing Maddie Kline to Dakota Rev. And we will miss you immensely, we know you will be a great addition to your new team. Remember, control the b all out of the zone, done stab at it, set your D, and keep your hands down!!! I'm gonna miss you!
    Addi Waska, what can I say? If you do move up to u-11 I know we are putting you in good hands with Jaimie and Eric. I will be there to watch you grow and learn.
    As for the rest of you, work hard while we are on the break. Evaluations are in about 20 days and I want to see you all do well.
    Thanks again to all of you, parents, Jay,Asia, and April, for all the time, effort, and money you put in to make this season fun and exciting.
