Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Off To A Great Start

The Packers got the 2014 Summer season off to a great start by defeating the Hastings Raiders by the score of 3 to nothing.  The girls really played well as a team tonight and seemed more aware than ever before of each others presence on the field.  There were some really outstanding passes made and some terrific teamwork.  Packers fans are in for an awesome season ahead!
Tonight's goals were scored by Gabs, Ella, and Kayla.  Shutout worthy goaltending was provided by Kayla in the first half of the game and Abby in the second. 


  1. Awesome photos by April! Hey, that would be a good name for a photo business..."Awesome photos by April" I love it!!! Thank you for your blog and for capturing the greatness of this team. Let's go PACKERS!

  2. It was an awesome game, girls played so well I didn't even have to yell at them.,was impressed by the heads up play, defense and goal keeping were outstanding. Lot of movement and good positioning by forwards. Nice goals, and an abundance of almost goals. Keep working hard girls, thanks parents for all your support we have a good thing going.
